Help Centre

Analyse workspace
Quantemplate Analyse is a suite of drag-and-drop tools to query, visualise and report on your data.
The workspace is a multi-page report into which you can drag frames: pivot tables, graphs, text boxes and images. Output can then be shared within your organisation via Quantemplate or exported to PDF for printing.
Navigation bar
The Navigation Bar shows app-level functions:
Navigate between Quantemplate’s three product areas

See your organisation and user profile


The Toolbar shows document-level functions:
Name, create and access reports

Insert frames to query, visualise and annotate your data

Set a data source for the report

Printing, exporting and sharing

Pages are areas for composing your report. See Pages section.
Pasteboard area
The area outside the page boundary. Items on the pasteboard do not appear on PDF output, and may not be visible on smaller screens.
Action bar
Undo or redo actions, view the report’s change history, save your work (in addition to regular autosaves).