Post-pivot equations are applied to the aggregated data in the
pivot table. They are the default setting and the most common use-case.
Example: Calculate loss ratio
Calculate loss ratio
Loss Ratio = claims / premiums,
Loss ratios are calculated from aggregate premiums
and claims, so this calculation is applied to the aggregated values in
the pivot table, then analysed by country, year, entity, etc.
Pre-pivot equations
Pre-pivot equations are applied to the raw data before it is aggregated
in the pivot table. This is useful for contract-level calculations.
Example: Loss excess
Show Loss Excess of 1 million. If the incurred claim
is greater than 1 million, how much greater?
Loss Excess 1m = IF(‘claims’>1000000,‘claims’-1000000, 0)
This calculation is applied to each individual
claim in the raw data, then the resulting values are aggregated in the
pivot table for analysis by country, year, entity, etc.