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Manage multiple datasets

Manage multiple datasets

Use the batch selection tools in the repo to quickly download, archive, restore, share or unshare multiple datasets.

First search or filter the datasets, then click the checkbox on the top right. This will open the batch selection bar with options to download, archive, restore, share or unshare the selected datasets.

Only an owner can share a dataset. If you batch-select a dataset that you don’t own and try to share it, it will not be shared.


To transfer ownership of a set of datasets from one user to another, the dataset Owner should perform these actions:

  1. Open the filter bar
  2. Select Owner and type in the current Owner’s name. This will show all datasets owned by this user.
  3. Click the checkbox on the top right of the table.
  4. From the batch selection bar that appears, select ‘Share’.
  5. In the sharing popup that appears, add the new owner and select ‘Apply’. The new Owner is added.
  6. If ownership is no longer required for the previous owner, add their name in the sharing popup, select their new level of access (can edit, can view or remove) and click ‘Apply’.